Interview with Stina from the maternity ward

Interview with Stina from the maternity ward

Interview with midwife Stina from the New Karolinska Hospital. Find out what the staff and patients in the maternity ward think about the DMD® system, how they use it and how it improves care.

Stina, a midwife, works with aftercare, childbirth and antenatal care at the maternity ward at Karolinska University Hospital.

She is also responsible for developing the patient screens in the wards. Hear her talk about how the DMD system streamlines the department’s work and how the collaboration with DMD works.

The best part of her job, she says, is that she gets to be part of the best experience of a parent’s life, the birth of a baby.

"We use the DMD system to provide patients with information about the latent phase, active labor and aftercare information."

Stina Jeppsson
Midwife, NKS, Obstetrics

"We are very pleased with the cooperation with DMD"

Stina Jeppsson
Midwife, NKS, Obstetrics

Stina shows what the patients see.

She tells us about her profession.

The information in the DMD is appreciated by patients.

Responsible for the information in the screens.

Let us take you to our virtual hospital

Let us take you to our virtual hospital

We will bring our virtual stand of 500m² to you provided that you can spare 3x3m for us. We also offer an opportunity to digitally meet some of our references and discuss everything from implementation to management.

From January 1, 2021, you can book a half-day free of charge where we bring our virtual hospital to you to show you our digital platform Hospital DMD® that facilitates the care work for the staff while making the hospital stay more pleasant for the patient.

Besides being a fun experience, this is a great opportunity to bring colleagues together for interesting dialogues and also to learn how other hospitals have worked with automated communication flows during the Covid-19 pandemic. With the Hospital DMD® digital platform, you can bring together patient TVs, staff screens, information boards, ward signs, monitor slaves, art screens, video walls and more under one software roof.

We show the system in its entirety using virtual reality where you and your colleagues can visit our digital hospital together with a representative from us. We follow this up with a dialog about the solution and can also include one or more of our references via link. If you would like to book a tour or get more information, please contact Andreas Zetterberg:
Mobile no: 0705-147800
Or contact one of us via e-mail

If you want to know more about Hospital DMD®, you can watch our explanatory video which gives a broader picture of the system and its applications.

See you at your place!

Our healthcare adapted products!


Remote control wipeable

DMD Remote

56 euro

Remote control wipeable with magnetic holder

DMD Remote

97 euro

keyboard Bluetooth disinfectable


148 euro

keyboard 2.4GHz disinfectable


148 euro

Headphones replaceable ear pads

DMD Headphone®

24 euro

Wipeable headphone pads x2

DMD Headphone®

 8 euro

Products can be ordered through any of the contact buttons—just describe your needs.

DMD Remote

The menu design of the Hospital DMD and the remote control were developed by experts in the field of assistive technology for vision, cognition and communication. Clear contrasts, tactile buttons and a logical user interface ensure that visually impaired and cognitively impaired people can easily use the functions.

"Clear contrasts, tactile buttons and a logical user interface ensure that visually impaired and cognitively impaired people can easily use the functions that other users take for granted. AMAB's exquisitely designed remote control lives up to our assistive technology motto - "good for all - necessary for some"

Jörgen Andersén
CEO - Iris Instrument

DMD Remote + magnetic brackets

DMD Remote in the magnetic mount

DMD Remote + magnetic brackets

DMD Remote + magnetic brackets


The wireless keyboard is one of the products in the DMD® range. After 50 years in the business, we know that this type of product has to withstand tough healthcare environments. The keyboard is disinfectable, shock and water resistant with a host of smart features. Available to order with either USB or blue tooth.

The keyboard can of course be purchased completely separately and can be used for the screen / TV you want.
Keyboard is ready to ship from our warehouse today. Contact Andreas for questions and ordering.

Designed to withstand harsh healthcare environments.


DMD magnetic mount including safety line®

The safety rope is 2 meters long as standard but can be ordered in different lengths as needed. The magnetic bracket is advantageously mounted in connection with the patient care area. In this way, the patient is always within reach to be able to alert the care staff with the separate alarm system. Another advantage of the lanyard is that the risk of the remote control accidentally getting lost in the wash is significantly reduced. Of course, both the magnetic attachment and the safety line are disinfectable.

DMD remote with magnetic mount attached.


DMD Headphone®

The ear pads attached to the headphones are removable and can be disinfected after use and before the next patient takes over. Reducing noise levels in care rooms is good for patient recovery and is appreciated by staff as it allows them to focus longer during shifts. The headphones are appreciated in common care rooms, for example. There, patients can use the system to, for example, watch TV, listen to podcasts or talking books without disturbing other patients. Can be ordered without using the DMD system in general.

DMD Headphones

Ear cushions 2 pcs


Are you interested in our DMD products or have specific questions? Fill out the form below with your inquiry, and we’ll help you find the right solution!